Sauces Preparation

White Sauce

(4 Portions)


2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
1 cup milk


In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. Add flour and stir until the butter and flour are well combined. Pour in milk, stirring constantly as it thickens. Add more milk depending on desired consistency. 

Chasser Sauce

(4 Portions)


2 Tbsp butter
1 cup sliced mushrooms
¼ cup chopped shallots
1 cup white wine


In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, heat the butter over medium heat until it's frothy. Add the mushrooms and shallots and sauté until the mushrooms are soft and the shallots are translucent, about 5 minutes.Add the wine, heat until the liquid boils, then lower the heat a bit and continue simmering until the liquid has reduced by about three-fourths.Add the demi-glace and the diced tomato, then lower heat to a simmer and reduce for about 5 minutes.Stir in the chopped parsley and serve right away.

Brown Onion Sauce

(4 Portions)


25 g Butter
100g Sliced Onion
2 tbsp vinegar
250 mL Demi glase


Melted butter in a pan,add the onion ,cover with a leak,cook gently till tender.Remove the leak and colour likely.Add the vinegar and completely reduced add then demi glace.Simmer 5-10 minutes.Skim and correct the season.(NOTE- May be served with Vienna stake or fry liver.)

Pepper Sauce

(4 Portions)


25g Butter
50g Onion
50g Carrot
50g Celery
1 Bay leaf
Sprig of thyme
2 tbsp White Wine
2 tbsp Vinegar
5g Mignon pepper
250 mL Demi glace


Melt the butter in sauté pan.Add the vegetable and the herbs.(mirepoyx)allow to brown.
Remove the fat at the wine,vinegar and pepper then reduced by half then ad demi glace.Simmer 20-30 minutes.Then correct the season.pass throw a final conical strainer.(NOTE-usually served with joined or cut of venusun.)

Maderia Sauce

(4 Portions)


250 mL Demi glace
2 tbsp mederia wine
25g butter


Boil the demi glace in small sauté pan.Then add the mederia then reboil correct throw a fine conical strainer.(NOTE-may be served with braised oxtongue.)

Robert Sauce

(4 Portions)


10g Butter
50g onion finally chopped
60 mL vinegar
250 mL demi glace
1 tbsp
English mustard or continental
¼ Caster sugar


Melt the butter in a small saute,add onion cook gently with out colour,add the vinegar reduced completely then add the Demi glace,Simmer 5 to 10 minutes.remove from the heat at the mustard with a little water and sugar do not boil.skim and correctly season.(NOTE-May be served with fright pork chop.)

Fresh Tomato Sauce

(4 Portions)


10g Butter
50g Onion
50g Carrot
25g Celery
½ Bay leaf
Sprig of thyme
(all are mirepoix)
10g flour
50g tomato puree
375 mL stock
½ Clove garlic
Salt,pepper for taste


Melt butter in a small saute pan,add the vegetable add herbs,bacon brown slidely,milk the flour and cook to a sandy texture allow to colour slidely.Then mix tomato puree allow to cooling gradually add boiling stock.Ster to the boil then add the garlic season simmer for 1 hour then correct the season and cool.pass throw a conical strainer.(NOTE-This sauce has many uses served with Spaghetti,Egg,Fish,Meat and e.t.c.)

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