Salad Preparation

Coleslaw Salad

(4 Portions)


Mayonnaise 125 mL
White or Chinese cabbage 200g
Carrot 50g
Onion 25g


Trim off out side leave of cabbage cut to quarter,Remove centre stalk.Wash cabbage,shoed finely and drain well.Mix with fine julienne of raw carrot and shredded raw onion.Blanch and refresh bind with mayonnaise sauce.

Potato Salad

(4 Portions)


Cooked potatoes 200g
Vinaigrette,salt,pepper 1 tbsp
Chopped onion 10g
Mayonnaise 125 mL
Chopped parsley or herbs


Cut the potatoes in ½ .1 cm dice sprinkle with vinaigrette mix the onion,add mayonnaise and correct the seasoning.Dress neatly and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Nicoise Salad

(4 Portions)


Tomatoes 100g
Cook French beans 200g
Cook diced potatoes 100g
Vinaigrette 1 tbsp
Anchovy fillets 100z
Stoned olives 10g
Capers 5g


Peel totatoes,de-seed and cut neat segments.Dress the beans,tomatoes and potatoes neatly.Season with salt,pepper. Add the vinaigrette.Decorate with anchovies,capers and olives.

Russian Salad

(4 Portions)


Carrot 100g
Turnips 50g
French beans 50g
Peas 50g
Mayonnaise 125 ml


Peel wash carrot turnips,cut ½ cm dice or batons,cook parately in salted water refresh and drain well.Top and tail the beans,cut in ½ cm dice,cook refresh,cook the peas,refresh mix well,drain vegetables with vinaigrette and mayonnaise.Correct the seasoning.

Meat Salad

(4 Portions)


Cook lean meat 200g
Gherkins 25g
Cooked French beans 50g
Tomatoes 50g
Chopped onion 5g
Vinaigrette 1 tbsp
Chopped parsley


Cut the meat ,gherkins and beans into ½ cm dice.Skin tomatoes,de-seed cut into ½ cm mix with remainder of ingredients.Blanching the onions if required.Correct the seasoningTomatoes and fans of gherkins.

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