Seafood Classification

Fish and shellfish

Cuts of fish


      ·         Thick slices of fish on or off the bone.
      ·         Steaks of round fish (salmon, cod) may be called darnes.
      ·         Steaks of flat fish on the bone (turbot, halibut) may be called troncons.


      ·         Cuts of fish free from bone: a round fish yields two fillets, a flat fish four fillets.


      ·         Prime cuts of fish without bone and skin (pies cut from fillets of salmon, turbot)


      ·         Fillet fish cut into strips approximately 8*0.5 cm.


      ·         Fillets of fish (e.g. sole, plaice, whiting) spread with a stuffing and rolled.


      ·         Also known as en tresse - for example, sole fillets cut into three even pieces lengthwise to within 1 cm of the top, and neatly plaited.


      ·         Ciseler means to make slight incisions in the surface of a thick fillet of fish, or on the bone, to allow even cooking.The depth of the incisions depends on the size of the fish at the thickest and thinnest points: a balance should be achieved in appearance and cooking time.


Fish have formed a large proportion of our food because of their abundance and relative ease of harvesting. Fish are valuable, not only because they are a good source of protein, but because they are suitable for all types of menus and can be cooked and presented in a wide variety of ways.
Basically fish are divided into three types. 
      1) Oily fish – (round in shape) - e.g. salmon, mackerel, herring, iel, sprats

      2) White fish – (round or flat) – e.g. brill, sole, turbot, witch, megrim, cod, carp, coley, shark, swordfish

      3) Shellfish – crawfish, crayfish, lobster, prawns

Quality and purchasing points

Whole fish

*clear, bright eyes, not sunken
*bright red gills
*scales should not be missing and they should be firmly attached to the skin
*moist skin (fresh fish feels slightly slippery)
*shiny skin with bright natural colouring
*tail should be stiff and the flesh should feel firm
*should have a fresh sea smell and no trace of ammonia


*neat, trim fillets with firm flesh
*fillets should be firm and closely packed together, not ragged or gaping
*white fish should have a white translucent colour with no discoloration

Smoked fish

*glossy appearance
*flesh should feel firm and not sticky
*pleasant, smoky smell

Frozen fish

*frozen hard with no signs of thawing
*the packaging should not be damaged
*no evidence of freezer burn (e.g. dull, white, dry patches)

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