Dessert Preparation

Vanila bavarois

(4 Portions)


Gelatin 15g
Eggs 2
Caster sugar 50g
Milk,whole or double cream 125 mL


Gelatine soak in cold water,cream the York and sugar in a bowl until almost white,whisk in the milk.Mix well.
Clean the milk sauce pan,which should be thick,return to mix toi.Low heated and stir constinuously with spoon.Mixture must not boil.Remove from the heat,pass though a fine stainer clean bowl.
Fold in the lightly beaten cream.Fold in the stiffly beaten whites pour the mixture in to a mould.Allow to set in the refregirator.Shake and turn out on to a flat dish or plates.

Cabinet pudding

(4 Portions)


Plain sponge cake 100g
Glace’ cherries 25g
Sultanas 25g
Angelica 10g
Milk,whole or skimmed   ½ L
Eggs 3-4
Caster sugar 50g
Vanilla 2-3 drop


Cut the cake in to ½ dice,mix with chopped cherries and fruites.Place  in a greased sugared Charlotte moulds or flour dariole  moulds ,warm the milk and wisk on to the eggs sugar and vanilla,strain on to the mould place in a rousting tin,half full of water.
Cook in moderate oven 150c 160c 30-40 minutes.serve with fresh egg custer or hot apricot sauce.


(4 Portions)


1 cup coconut milk
3 eggs
½ bundle Jaggery


Dissolve the jiggery in the coconut milk and strain into the lightly beaten eggs,strain.
Add spices,pour into a mould.Cover with greased paper and steam 40-45 minute.

Peach Flan

(4 Portions)


Sugar paste 100g
Cherries 200-300g
Sugar 50g
Red glaze 1 tbsp


Line the flan ring with sugar paste and pierce the bottem.Stone the cherries.Arrange health in the flan case.Sprinkle with sugar,bake at 200-230c for about 30 minutes remove ring and egg wash slides complete the cooking.Brush with hot red glaze.

Strawberry bavarois

(4 Portions)


Fruit 200g
Medium eggs 2
Gelatin 10g
Milk,whole or double cream 180 ml
Sugar,caster 50g
Whipped or double cream 125 ml


Gelatine soak in cold water,cream the York and sugar in a bowl until almost white,whisk in the milk.Mix well.
Clean the milk sauce pan,which should be thick,return to mix toi.Low heated and stir constinuously with spoon.Mixture must not boil.Remove from the heat,pass though a fine stainer clean bowl.
Fold in the lightly beaten cream.Fold in the stiffly beaten whites pour the mixture in to a mould.Allow to set in the refregirator.Shake and turn out on to a flat dish or plates.

Egg custard

(4 Portions)


Egg 3
Sugar 50g
Milk ½ L
Essence 2-3 drop


Put milk in a bowl or pan.Microwave 3-4 minutes on high until hot but not boiling.Add all other ingredients.Beat using a whisk.pour in to a mould or bowl.Sprinkle with Nutmeg. steam 30-45 minute.

Coupe Denmark

(4 Portions)


Chocolate sauce 200 g
Large scoops Vanilla Ice cream 12
Whipped cream 80 g
Dark chocolates 8
Wafers 8


Chocolate sauce on to a plate. Add the ice cream scoops. Garnish with the whipped cream. Decorate with the chocolate and the wafers. Serve the rest of the chocolate sauce separately.

Gajar Halwa

(4 Portions)


Carrots 8-10 medium
Cashew nuts 5-6
Almonds 5-6
Raisins 10-15
Pure ghee 3 tablespoons
Milk 2 cups
Green cardamom powder ¼ teaspoon
Mawa (khoya) 1 cup
Sugar ¾ cup
Silver warq 1 sheet


Peel, wash and grate carrots. Chop cashewnuts.Blanch almonds in half a cup of hot water for five minutes. Drain, cool, peel and slice them. Wash raisins and pat them dry.Heat pure ghee in a thick-bottomed pan, add grated carrots and sauté for five minutes.Add milk, green cardamom powder and cook on medium heat for five to six minutes or until the milk evaporates and the carrots are cooked. Stir in the grated khoya and sugar and cook for two to three minutes or till the sugar melts and mixes well, stirring continuously.Continue to cook for two minutes more.Garnish with chopped cashewnuts, sliced almonds and raisins.Decorate with silver warq. Serve hot or at room temperature.

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